Western Zhou Dynasty (1122 BCE-771BCE)


IMG_2764The Western Zhou Dynasty is noted for its ritual system. The royal court has given high priority to people’s living. A thrifty and simple life is cherished by the royal families. Society is in a harmonious atmosphere. Raw jade consumption is set to the minimum since jade items are considered a luxury. The most variety of jade artifacts in the Western Zhou Dynasty is small size jades or jade plaque animals such as deer, fish, and dragon. The other major kind of jade form is a jade plaque with motifs of phoenix. The style of the carving for the Western Zhou Dynasty is noted for its single and double slant incised carving which is known as the forty-five-degree big slant carving and the technique has been discontinued after the Han dynasty. Most of the Western Zhou jade carvings are seen with mastery workmanship and streamline curves which are greatly appreciated by connoisseur collectors..

斜刀技法,又稱“一面坡”技法,是西周時期玉器紋飾雕琢常用的技法之一。其線紋溝槽之兩壁一為垂直,一作斜坡,跨越面略呈直角三角形。由於“一面坡 ”陰線溝槽的底部,斜坡以及器表所在的平面對光線的反射情況不同,從而各自呈現的光亮程度各異,從而凸顯了交替的層次感與立體感。

Jade deer,L.4.5cm,H.6.8cm, 25grams

Western Zhou Dynasty Jade Carving Style