紅山文化勾形龍珮, Hongshan Culture C-Dragon Plaque



紅山文化勾形龍珮. 長9.5cm, 寬6.5cm,厚0.3cmStill_2017-11-11_160338_60X_N0057

本件紅山文化勾形龍佩構圖簡單, 在厚度不到半公分的C形薄玉片上, 透過多重斜坡的方式, 將C龍的神態表現得淋漓盡致. 角度較方形且較寬的是龍頭, 較圓形且較窄的是龍尾. 龍頭部份兩面則有兩道帶有弧度的淺溝紋, 在第二道溝紋上緣三分之一的地方, 有一不規則的孔, 孔外緣及內部的旋轉細紋, 歷歷可見. 本器之材質為白玉, 全器已呈鈣化, 表面有差異風化及外部增生晶體現象. 此器可能是中國片狀玉雕之先河.

Despite its simple design, the artifact has expressed the art quality perfectly on a thin piece jade less than a half-centimeter in thickness. The wider square end is the head and the narrower round end is the tail of the C shaped dragon. On the head, there are two curved shallow lines. A hole with irregular drilling traces is seen in one-third of the line next to the edge of 158731970694304766the head. It is made of white-tone jade which has been calcified completely. Differential weathering and ancient tool marks are seen. The plaque of the C dragon may be the origin of Chinese plaque jade works for the later periods.


Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 7
  2. rareness: 7
  3. historical and cultural significance: 5
  4. workmanship: 7
  5. size: 3
  6. condition: 10