良渚文化玉珮,Liangzhu Cultural Jade Plaque w.7cm



良渚文化珮, 長7cm

本件之紋飾為玄鳥雙眼所形成的神面, 陰線雕法,  並未採用管狀器, 線條接縫處密合度高.玉珮頂端縱向面左右兩端, 各有一對同方向喇叭孔. 本器差異風化及次生長晶體等古玉現象明顯.

Based on the carving style and motif characteristics, the object is identified as Liangzhu Culture jade plaque. With oval shape eyes carved by incised lines different from trenches made by a metal tube like other Liangzhu jades. The exaggerated eyes are supposed to be those of mysterious bird as seen as the typical motif of Liangzhu cultural jades. There are two pairs of two directional holes on both ends of vertical edges on the top edge of the plaque. Antiquity evidence includes differential weathering and additive crystals.Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-08-05T211723.678




Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 7
  2. rareness: 8
  3. historical and cultural significance: 7
  4. workmanship: 8
  5. size: 3
  6. condition: 10