紋飾華麗的戰國黃玉玉樽 H. 22cm



本器係以和田黃玉雕成, 整體呈扁平形. 全器紋飾區分為三部分, 上方較寬面為減 地淺浮雕鳳鳥, 鳥身占空間的三分之一, 其餘三分之二為刀卯紋鳳尾, 較窄面則為 減地淺浮雕龍紋, 龍身與龍尾之佈置一如鳳紋. 中間四面均為為減地淺浮雕神面, 兩側有三節源于商周盛行于戰國的突脊造型, 中間一節呈波浪形, 上下節呈卷雲紋. 下方四面均為葉尖狀陰線回紋. 本器造型優雅, 紋飾華麗, 刀工流暢精美細緻, 淺浮 雕上之紋飾大多飾有遊絲陰線, 符合戰國玉器靨格.有石灰沁及增生晶體等古玉跡象. 本器由下而上, 一節比一節大, 以最上面的開口最大, 象徵愈來愈發達

The artifact is made of Hetian jade with a yellow tone. Three sections comprise the whole object with the upper section with low relief phoenix whose tail is exaggeratedly extended is the biggest, the middle section with low relief deity face motif is bigger and the bottom section which is plain is the smallest. The archaic evidence of differential weathering and additive crystals are found on several spots of the object.

Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 10
  2. rareness: 10
  3. historical and cultural significance: 9
  4. workmanship: 10
  5. size:10
  6. condition: 10
