Shang Dynasty Jade cong,商玉琮 H,7cm, D.3cm, 150grams (75)





There are kinds of carving styles on the Shang Still_2017-10-04_085040_60X_N0029dynasty jade congs: 1. plain surface. 2. convex line god’s face. 3. low relief carving of phoenix head and God’s face. This cong has three sections. The upper and lower sections are deity face with low relief lines that confirm the carving style and the motif of the Shang Dynasty.. The middle part is four trenches. Antiquity evidence includes dissolved pits, additive crystals, and calcification.

商代玉琮的雕刻俱備商代風格, 此玉琮有三個部分。上下部分是神面,帶有低浮雕線條,證實了商代的雕刻風格和圖案。中間部分是四條槽溝。古玉跡象包括溶蝕孔、增生晶體和鈣化。


Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 7
  2. rareness: 9
  3. historical and cultural significance: 8
  4. workmanship: 7
  5. size: 3
  6. condition: 10