Warring States Jade Bowl with worm-bird style script 戰國鳥蟲書玉盤

春秋戰國時期盛行的鳥蟲書,事實上真正用以美化文字的裝飾圖案,通常較 為具象而多見的是鳥形,所謂的蟲形,大多數的構形均是以字體之筆畫作旋轉彎 曲,或是在字形上下及筆畫首尾加飾若干彎曲線條,有的似是由簡化的鳥形所轉 變而成. Worm-bird scripts was popular in Spring Autumn and Warring States periods. This jade bowl is carved with white jade, on the outside wall, low relief carving of hunting scenes are decorated. On the bottom, there are bird-worm style scripts whose meaning is yet to be understood.