漢辟邪獸薄雕之時代意義,玉雕工藝及呈現藝術之成就, Han Dynasty Thin Carving Plaque

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漢辟邪獸薄雕,  長25.5cm, 寬20.5cm, 厚0.2cm, 245grams. 古玉薄雕形制可能源自紅山文化勾雲形玉佩, 牛河梁出土的紅山文化勾雲玉珮,現收藏於遼寧省博物館,長28.6厘米,青綠色玉質,單面工,是目前館藏紅山文化勾雲形玉器中最大的. 可是存世薄雕戰漢古玉並不多見.  其次, 漢形而上的元素之一為神仙思想,。本器以辟邪作為外形, 在辟邪之內, 刻有一神面, 三個仙人, 十八隻辟邪 , 辟邪的形像或全身,或半身, 或僅為頭部. 無論是神面, 仙人, 或是辟邪, 無不神態生動, 再次,  漢形而下的元素是玉雕切割及雕琢技術獲得高度成就, 本器儘管雕刻的難度甚高, 線條仍然婉約流暢. 本器係以和田水料白玉雕成, 在厚僅有0.2公分的玉料上, 以淺浮雕及鏤空的技術, 酷似在玉片上作畫, 誠屬玉雕藝術之瑰寶, 十分珍罕, 最後, 由於是0.2公分的薄雕, 辟邪獸頭部的立體結構巧妙地利用平面方式加以呈現。

Applying the techniques of low relief and open work, this Han Dynasty artifact presents one god’s face, three divines, and eighteen mythical animals on the jade plaque as thin as 0.2cm to compose a pixie with wings. The appearances of all figures which may be only the head, half, and whole body of the mythical animals have been depicted vividly. This is a scene to carry the soul of a human being to heaven. Despite the difficulty of workmanship, the lines of the objects on the artifact are presented smoothly and elegantly, There is no doubt that this artifact is a masterpiece in jade carving.


Appraisal Indexes:

1. quality of jade: 10
2. Rareness: 10
3. Historical and cultural significance: 8
4. Workmanship: 10
5. size:8
6. Condition: 10

For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.