戰國龍鳳神面紋白玉瓶, Warring States Jade Vase, H. 13cm, W.9.8cm, 510grams

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戰國龍鳳神面紋白玉瓶, H. 13cm, W.9.8cm, 510grams。

唐 李白《廣陵贈別》詩:「玉瓶沽美酒,數里送君還。」玉瓶除了作為盛酒的酒杯外,也作為觀賞用的擺件。在古玉文化中,玉瓶稱為玉尊或玉樽。瓶與平同音, 有持玉瓶便能獲得平安的寓意。本器材質屬於純白玻璃種和田玉質,形制為玉瓶。本玉瓶侈口,  圈足. 瓶口光滑勻稱,造型如同水面由中心向四周瀑布般下瀉的景象, 玉瓶瓶口寬度與瓶身高度相等,瓶身中央四等份處各飾有一游環, 徵諸古玉文化, 玉環向來被視為珍貴之物,引伸為財富之意。 整體涵意而言, 意味著持有此玉瓶者, 定能保證四季平安富足。從紋飾來看,玉瓶瓶口上部三分之一處,飾有四組具有商代風格鷹嘴之淺浮雕鳳紋及戰國刀卯風格龍紋,瓶身其他三分之二處紋飾為四組戰國風格之淺浮雕神面紋。本器之造型優雅華麗, 線條佈局對稱精確。古玉跡象則有差異風化, 增生晶體,斑晶等. 盤點歷代玉瓶,戰漢時期以前玉瓶並不多見,白玉瓶精品尤為罕見, 台灣故宮博物院所收藏青玉瓶為宋代及清代之物。 本器應是行家爭相收藏的對象。

From the poem of《Farewell at Guangling》Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty:「 Seeing you off for several miles already, let’s drink the nice wine in the jade vase.   」Jade vase which is also called yuzun is popular in ancient Chinese jade culture.  From practical functionality, jade vases are used as wine cups and ornaments for display. In Chinese, the pronunciation of vase is similar to that of safety.  Elaborately, it implies that whoever owns the vase will gain safety and peace.

Carved with fine quality white hetian jade, the object is a vase with Warring States low relief motifs. The width of the vase mouse is equal to the height of the vase. A ring is carved on each quarter area. The Jade ring is a symbol of wealth in the Chinese jade culture. The vase has a wide-opening mouth with a smooth surface and glossy with an image like water pouring down over the edge from all directions. The base is a round-edged shape.  As a whole, the design of the vase with four rings has the implication that those who hold this jade vase will enjoy safety and wealth all the year-round.

On the surface of the one-third area is seen the Shang Dynasty style deity face surrounded by the Warring States sharp angle twisted style line low relief dragon and phoenix motifs. The archaic evidence is seen to include deteriorated markings, and additive crystals. From the records of Chinese jades, jade vases prior to the Han Dynasty are few, white jade vases are rare in particular. Jade vases collected in the National Palace Museum are pale-tone jade from the Song and Qing Dynasties. This is one of the extremely fine workmanship, rare and marvelous items for professional collectors.