西漢長樂銘文玉璧–H.10cm, W.7cm

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-19T112801.618


本器青玉雕琢, 形制為出廓龍鳳紋長樂銘文勾連雲紋玉璧,  本器刀工嚴謹, 增生晶體及鈣化古玉跡象明顯. 長樂宮為漢代宮廷名,本玉璧可能是長樂宮信物. 根據網路資料, 長樂宮,或稱東宮,是中國西漢時期的宮殿,位於漢長安城南隅,周長約一萬公尺,城牆厚度約有二十公尺,總面積達六平方公里,相當於漢長安城的六分之一。長樂宮是漢高祖劉邦根據秦朝興樂宮改建而成。漢高祖七年(前200年),劉邦從原本居住的櫟陽城,入主業已改建完工的興樂宮,並更名為長樂宮,配和同年修建的另一座宮殿——未央宮,稱長樂未央,寓意「永遠快樂,無窮無盡」。Jade Bi Disk, H.10cm, W.7cm, T.0.6cm, 65grams. This object of jade bi is designed to express three major sections: The outer ring with connected cloud of the bi-disk, the inner open work with one side seen “eternal happiness(長樂)” inscription( Changlegong is the name of the palace of the Han Dynasty), the other side seen dragon and phoenix motif, the dragon form attached on the top edge of the outer ring. The object may be used as a pass for entry to the palace of  Chanlegong . With mastery workmanship, this bi disk is pervasively populated with various archaic elements including cleaving veins, additive crystals and differential weathering.Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-19T115948.397

Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 9
  2. rareness: 9
  3. historical and cultural significance: 9
  4. workmanship: 10
  5. size:4
  6. condition: 10