清代[太宗玉璽]玉印, Qing Dynasty Jade Seal, H.13cm,W.10cm


bbbb清代[太宗玉璽]玉印, 高 13 公分,寬 10 公分
清太宗皇太極,愛新覺羅氏,是後金的第二代大汗和大清國的實際建立者,1626 年 10 月 20 日
至 1643 年 9 月 21 日在位,年號天聰、崇德,廟號清太宗,諡號應天興國弘德彰武寬溫仁聖睿
孝敬敏昭定隆道顯功文皇帝。本器青玉雕呈長方形立體, 琢印鈕為雙龍背對背連體而立, 龍
首張嘴露牙, 龍身出脊部滿鱗紋, 底座為受命于天陽紋篆體, 古玉跡象為擴散暈沁色, 冰
裂紋及石灰沁。 Qing Dynasty Jade Seal, H.13cm, W.10cmHong Taiji

(28 November 1592 – 21 September 1643), sometimes written as Huang Taiji and also referred to as Abahai in Western literature, was the founding  Emperor of the Qing dynasty. This is his jade seal with script of Taichong’s Seal. Dual dragon head facing opposite each other conforms the carving style of Qing Dynasty jade seal. Calcification, cleaving vein, diffusive marking are the antiquity evidences.