史上唯一已發現的唐代龍紋唐三彩陽文皇帝之印玉印, Tang Dynasty Jade Seal

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唐代龍紋彩繪陽文皇帝之印玉印, 唐代龍紋彩繪陽文皇帝之印玉印, H. 12 cm, W.10cm, D, 7cm, 1300 g。  唐代是我國彩繪藝術發展的一個重要階段。彩繪的繪製技藝已經非常成熟。它以豐富的色彩、華麗的圖案為人們創造出完美的視覺效果,尤其是唐代創造的五彩間金裝,使彩繪作品更顯絢麗多彩金碧輝煌。唐以前,彩繪圖案以花草為主,紋式比較單一。到了唐代,在眾多知名畫家的啟發下,開始有了形像生動活潑形態各異的飛禽走獸。莫高窟最鼎盛的雕塑、彩繪藝術都是出自唐代, 本器材質為和闐青玉, 古玉跡像有差異風化及增生晶體。本印印文皇帝之印係正面寫法, 表示本印係用於紀念唐代皇帝(彩繪的龍紋風格酷似故宮唐太宗龍袍上之龍紋, 或有可能是唐太宗之物)保存於地宮, 而非實用性之印章.印鈕上的龍為三爪, 龍的位置, 係站在印座的對角線上, 不同於一般置於與印座長或寬平行的方位上, 這種佈局不但提昇龍的生動性, 更具印鈕的創新性史上唯一已發現的唐代龍紋唐三彩陽文皇帝之印玉印. H. 12 cm, W.10cm, D, 7cm, 1300 grams. The Tang Dynasty was an important period in the tangseal3development of Chinese painting art. The painted drawing skills have been very mature. With rich colors and ornate to create the perfect visual effects, the Tang Dynasty has created various colorful painted works on different materials, jade is one of them.

“Tang San Cai” is colorful and beautiful pottery in the Tang Dynasty, tricolor glaze colors are not only three kinds! Sancai may have many different colors, because, in the eyes of the Chinese people, the “three” means many, although Sancai maybe advent in the Han Dynasty, “Tang San Cai” is still the most famous in the whole world. The style of the dragon is similar to that of the Dragons on the robe of Portrait Scroll of Emperor Tang Taichong, a collection of National Palace Museum in Taipei. The dragon carving style has shown the Tang Dynasty. The fire motif of Zoroastrianism has the characteristics of the western countries of the Tang Dynasty to reveal the fact that cultural and economic exchange between the west and the Tang Dynasty is common. Made of Hetian jade with a green tone, this seal of the emperor with the characteristic of Tang San Cai is unique and rare in the Chinese jade seals. Antiquity evidence includes differential weathering, cleaving vein, and additive crystals. In addition, an ancient tool mark is seen. The style of the script is front side presentation implies that this seal is used for commemorating one of the emperors in the Tang Dynasty and kept in the underground palace.Webp.net-gifmaker (20)


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Appraisal Indexes:Webp.net-gifmaker (22)
1. quality of jade: 10
2. rareness: 10
3. historical and cultural significance: 10
4. workmanship: 9
5. size:9
6. condition: 10