清代白玉香盒, Qing Dynasty Jade Pomander (Censer Box), D. 5.5cm, T. 2cm



玉香盒扁圓形盒,可分兩面打開,內置錦囊,用來包香品。本器白玉雕琢,一面飾雙鯉,魚與「餘」同音,「吉慶有餘」「年年有餘」可寫成「吉慶有魚」,「年年有魚」,都有喜慶富裕、祝願美好的意思。一面飾荷花,周敦頤之名篇《愛蓮說》稱其「出污泥而不染」,讚美荷花的高貴品格,將其視為清白、高潔的象徵。補白處皆鑽孔,以便香氣外溢。Carved with open work style, the object is a censer box ( pomander ), the box is opened into two pieces to keep a purse for holding censer material inside, the covers are decorated with fish and lotus flower. The fish signify a surplus of wealth, while the lotus flower carries the meaning of purity. There are holes in the covers to release the fragrance.28844411illus-histoire-du-parfum-moyen-age-jpg