Han Dynasty Jade Seal漢代左馮翊印



159803588961978213漢代左馮翊印,高8公分, 寬9公分

099漢武帝建元六年分內史置左內史,太初元年更名左馮翊。左馮翊,官名兼行政區名,漢代三輔之一。漢時將京兆尹、左馮翊、右扶風稱三輔,即把京師附近地區歸三個地方官分別管理。本器所雕琢之龍紋符合漢代龍紋螭龍之風格, 底座印文為簡化方形陽文。 本器之玉質溫潤晶瑩, 古玉跡象有差異風化, 溶蝕孔, 冰裂紋, 增生晶體, 石灰沁等。Han Dynasty Jade Seal, H.8cm, W.9cm. In 00002the early Han Dynasty, there were three special districts in the vicinity of the capital city.They are  Jingzhao Yin,   Left Feng Yi, Right Feng Yi. The present seal has the scripts of Left Fenf Yi. This is the seal of the chief officer of Left Feng Yi. On the top of seal handle, high relief dragon motif is decorated. Antiquity evidenced are differential weathering, dissolved pits and additive crystals.