A Timeline of Jade Bi 玉璧年譜

The history of Chinese jade bi has spanned a period of more than four thousand years from Hangshan Culture to the Qing Dynasty. Here are examples:


Hongshan Jade Bi, D. 12cm. Made of green tone jade, the object is identified as Hongshan bi based on the overall jade appearance and carving style. Antiquity evidences include differential weathering, dissolved pits and exposed crystal planes.
This is a plain bi without any motif on it. Both edges of the outer ring and inner ring are round and smooth. According to ancient Chinese beliefs, bi is the symbol to pray to heaven in order that a good harvest will be given.

dsc05181aLiangzhu Culture, Jade Bi, D. 20cm. his Liangzhu Culture jade bi has been carved with two God’s faces as the sole motif. This Liangzhu bi is quite unique in that is different from most the plain bi carvings. Calcification is the main evidence for its age.

Qijia culture Jade Bi, Carved with white jade from the area of Qijia culture, this jade bi is seen ChiJiaBirectangular flavored round shape with a unidirectional hole. A similar item is seen as the one in Huang Liang Liang Tai, Wuwei City, Gansu Province..Antiquity evidence include additive crystal, diffusive marking, and differential weathering.

0082Shang Dynasty Jade Bi, D. 10cms, T.1cm, 453gramsCarved with yellow tone jade, the object is a typical bi with a symmetric motif on both sides. On each side, there are two abstract designs of tigers arranged in opposite directions. The carving style is the typical convex line forming from two incised lines of the Shang Dynasty. Antiquity evidence includes additive crystals, diffusive marking, and differential weathering.

88GL5308Western Zhou, Jade Bi Pair, D. 14cm, T.0.5cmCarved with green tone top quality jade, this jade bi is seen two opposite position dragons on both sides. The carving style is unique to the Western Zhou big slant 45-degree incised lines. A similar item is the Palace Museum collection, D.16.1cm, T. 0.4cm bi. Antiquity evidence include differential weathering and diffusive marking.

Spring Autumn, Jade Bi-disk, D. 32.8cm, T. 0.6cm. HoBi1
 The bi-disk has a dual motif for both sides. On each side, there are two layers of motifs separated by a rope motif. The inner layer is a crop motif. The outer layer consists of four sets of spirit faces. The spirit’s face is composed of two dragon heads which in turn are composed of phoenixes. The carving technique of the artifact applies the typical Western Zhou Dynasty 45-degree slant carving and slim incised lines for the Spring Autumn period to the greatest extent. The spirit should be touched by offering this bi-disk. Judging by the mastery carving and superior and unique design, this is believed to be the bi disk closest to the legendary Ho’s bi before fully identified. Antiquity evidence consists of differential weathering, diffusive marking, and ancient tool marks.HanDisc2
Han Dynasty, Jade Bi, D.19.5cm, T.0.8cmCarved with yellow tone Hetian jade, this bi is decorated with crop sprouts on both sides. The edge of the bi has a sharp angle. Antiquity evidence includes diffusive marking and differential weathering.
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