商代幾何紋淺浮雕玉樽, Shang Dynasty Jade Vase, H.48cm



本器稱玉樽或稱玉壼, 灰白玉雕琢, 頸部與腹部比例約二比三, 頸部較細, 紋飾區分為五部分; 依次為高低起伏蔓藤紋淺浮雕, 圓圈淺浮雕, 山形淺浮雕, 菱形淺浮雕,壼腹較為寬闊, 紋飾可區分為四部分;依次為抽象化神面淺浮雕, 銅錢形鍊,多重幾何紋淺浮雕等. 壼頸與壼腹接觸處左右各有一穿孔執耳.此玉壼可能是乘酒器,與商代多種青銅酒器代表了商代祭祀與戎的文化, 一般商代器物的研究認為玉器係模仿青銅器, 但本器的存在, 足以推翻此種看法.本器雕工精美, 紋飾特殊,堪稱商代玉器的重器.

1 (1)Shang Dynasty Jade  Vase, H.48cm. Carved with white jade, the  vase neck and vase belly has a proportion of two to three. The motifs have divided into five sections. From top to bottom, low relief motifs of plant, circle, mountain, diamond shape are decorated in sequence. Between the neck and belly have handles on both sides. This vase may be used as wine container. The wine containers may be the physical objects representing the Shang Dynasty cultures emphasizing wars and worships. The wine containers in the context of war are used to celebrate the victory of war. While in the context of worship, the containers are used to store wine to dedicate to the Deities. In the time span discussion, some theories of the originality of jade artifacts claim that bronze wares came before jade objects may not be true considering the sophisticate jade works of the Shang Dynasty.