眼睛是三星堆文化的獨特元素,Eye is a Unique Motif Element of Sanxingdui Culture


Webp.net-gifmaker (75)眼睛是三星堆文化的獨特元素, 它有時成為單獨的圖騰呈現於銅器或玉器, 或者成為整體雕像之飾物, 大多置於胸前. 有時則將眼睛設計成圓柱狀, 以突顯其千里眼之神力.

Is there a connection of the Sanxingdui Culture eye Webp.net-gifmaker (76)and the eye symbol (The Eye of Providence) of the One Dollar bill of the US?


a stick to imply the power of eyesight.

Proverb: The eye of the master does more work than his hands (English).

For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.