戰國玉象一對, Warring States Jade Elephant Pair,L.13cm, H.7cm

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-30T144643.108

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大象,在東方文明古國中享有崇高地位,中國人把大象視為吉祥、太平的象徵。在神話傳說中,大象則為搖光之星生成,能兆靈瑞,古佛就是乘象從天而降,大象是普賢菩薩的坐騎,相傳能預兆靈瑞。本器青玉雕琢, 鼻子向上, 下緣飾商代風格齒牙, 圓形眼睛及略帶方形耳朵以減地淺浮雕為之, 狀似楚國天門圖騰, 全身飾佈置整齊的勾連圓突狀紋, 四腿上方飾星雲狀右旋圓圈減地高浮雕紋, 與商代青銅玉虎腿上星雲狀相似, 此玉象之造型可愛而神秘, 古玉跡象有溶飾孔增生晶體及鈣化現象.(下圖為中国嘉德(香港)2019秋拍明代玉象7.2cm,成交價29.7萬HK$)29.6HK

Warring States Jade Elephants, L. 13cm, H.7cmIMG-3715

connected square thin incised elephants are highly adored animals in the Orientals since ancient times. In China, they are treated as auspicious symbols. These Warring States jade elephants are carved with green tone jade. The Shang Dynasty notches motifs are shown on the raising trunk. The
round eyes and square shape ears are carved by low relief style. The body is decorated by raised points with lines. One the tops of the four legs, Right oriented e raised circle symbolizing the universe are decorated to further increase the mystery of these objects. Antiquity evidence is dissolved pits and calcification.

 ( left:  elephant, L.8.4cm  sold for 7.3m HK$ from 2017 Sotheby’s HK auction)


Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 8
  2. rareness: 8
  3. historical and cultural significance: 7
  4. workmanship: 10
  5. size: 6
  6. condition: 10