紅山文化玉蟬, Hongshan Culture Jade Cicada, L.12cm, W.6.5cm


玉蟬在紅山文化中十分常見, 造型及大小亦多樣化. 本器青玉雕琢, 線條優雅簡潔, 蟬翼寬大平滑優美,腹面頸部有象dscn3408a1鼻孔. 本器古玉跡象為擴散暈沁及鈣化.


(蟬科) 體長 20 – 32 mm,體型小於其它暮蟬,體色有綠褐色與褐色型,外觀近似陽明暮蟬,但本種胸、腹間較窄,中胸背板中紋較細,w字形內、外之黑色斑紋也較細,腹末第8節不具白粉 ;雌蟲近似雄蟲但腹部較短,體形較小。本種分布於低中海拔山區,族群龐大,常於晨昏及陰天鳴叫,成蟲出現於4 – 10月,普遍分布全島山區,本種為台灣特有種。

Jade Cicada is very popular in Hongshan Culture, this may be explained by the fact that the Hongshan people admire nature especially that the cicada is resting high on the tree. In addition, the life cycle of cicada has implied that life is immortal. This what everyone wants, there is no exception for the Hongshan people. Carved with pale tone jade, the object is a cicada with a simple design. Antiquity evidence are diffusive markings and calcification. For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.