明玉馬, Ming Dynasty Jade Horse, L.7.5cm



一馬當先, 馬到成功, 速度是馬的特色, 從紅山文化開始, 馬即成為玉器的常見形制. 本器玉馬青玉雕琢, 馬首昂起左腳舉起作準備奔騰姿勢, 頭部鬃毛以漢代形制表示. 全器表現出力與美, 古玉跡象為溶蝕孔及 鈣化. Jade horse is a popular jade form since Hongshan Culture. Carved with pale green jade, this jade horse is raising head and left leg to exhibit the posture of ready to gallop. The mane is carved with Han Dynasty style, the horse has expressed mighty and beauty. Antiquity evidences are dissolved pits and calcification.For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.
