古玉密碼探究, An Investigation of Secret Codes of Antique Jades

159698333457312289asmile sign古玉中往往有些特殊的結構或紋飾, 這些特殊的結構或紋飾提供了一些密碼, 讓我們15863545966015370gate可以還原玉器的意義及時代背景. 本文試圖從三個例子加以說明:.

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-18T095028.1271. 矩的紋飾:玉器出現矩的紋飾Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-18T102628.056可以有兩種猜想, 一是這是戰國時期工匠團體的徽章, 二是秦代的圖騰, 秦國統一後, 統一文字, 車同軌, 一切制度力求統一完備, 制玉工匠均經過認證, 以矩作為認證符號, 類似現在的正字標記.

吐魯番的伏羲女媧圖,《伏羲女媧圖》作於唐(西元618~907年)用絹本設色而成的,縱長220釐米,橫長116.5釐米。出於阿斯塔那哈拉和卓古墓群, 伏羲在左、左手執矩,女媧在右,右手執規,人首蛇身,蛇尾交纏。我國古代有「天圓地方」之說,女媧執規象徵天,



Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-18T095704.9602. 婦好墓的玉貴人背後的Y形體:一直被稱為婦好墓柄形器玉貴人, 此一定義應該正名為鳳尾紋玉跪人. 事實上, 商人自稱為玄鳥之後, 玉貴人背後的所謂柄, 事實上就是玄鳥的尾巴.這個觀點可以從光武御製銘文硯滴玉鷹的尾巴造型得到佐證.

3.S龍玉珮龍身之間的橫向體: S龍造型玉佩係戰國玉器之特有風格, 龍係飛翔空中穿梭于雲霧間之吉祥物, 從設計之造型上, 為了達到雲之效果, 便在龍身之間, 加上一橫向體.

4. 區分雙層玉璧的繩索紋表示地界與天界的界限.

5. 玉器背部的矩形紋飾, 微笑符號或圓孔柱表示通天之門.

6. 草蓆紋出現在臉上, 表示是神面.

There are some special motifs or carvings in antique jades. These motifs or carvings usually provide us clues to understand the meaning and evidence of jades of particular periods. Here we try to elaborate on this from three particular jades.

(1) The square ruler motif: There are two conjectures to this. The first is that it is a symbol of the jade carvers of the Warring States, or the Chin State (771 BC-221 BC). The second conjecture is that this is the symbol of the Chin Dynasty.(221 BC-207BC) . After the Chin Dynasty unified the whole nation, it established all the systems such as characters, the measurement system, and the system of worker’s organization. All workers may be managed by a certain certification system. The symbol of the square ruler may a symbol of certification.

(2) The handle attached to the back of the Shang Dynasty knelling person: Commonly recognized as the handle which is annexed on the back of a kneeling person should be the phoenix tail. According to the Shang Dynasty people’s belief, they are the ancestor of the phoenix. Therefore, we have reason to redefine the handle of the Shang Dynasty kneeling person as the Shang Dynasty Phoenix tail kneeling person.

(3)The horizontal bar at the center of the S-Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-18T101937.169dragon body: This kind of jade plaque has been called the S-dragon for a long time. The unique element of this kind of jade form is the horizontal bar at the center of the dragon’s body.  It is interesting to note that this particular horizontal bar in fact represents the cloud in the sky to further imply that the dragon is flying in the sky and flying through the cloud. (Lower left image shows the typical presentation of flying through a cloud dragon.)

(4). The rope motif separating the layers on the bi-disk implies the boundary between Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-18T100946.979earth and heaven.

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-17T183954.965(5) The rectangular pattern on the back of the jade or the round hole column represents the gate of heaven.

(6). The net motif on the face means it is God.