夏代玉璋彙集, A Collection of Xia Dynasty Jade Zhangs


Notched zhang, L.54cm, W.14.4cm, T.0.8cm, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins , A collection of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology.牙璋。長54、最寬14.4、厚0.8厘米。河南省偃師市二里頭遺址五區3號墓出土,現藏於中國社會科學院考古研究所。


Notched zhang, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins , A collection of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology.塗朱玉璋。河南省偃師二里頭遺址出土。中國社會科學院考古研究所藏。


Notched zhang, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins ,A collection of Louyan Museum. 玉璋。長48.5、寬8厘米。1975年洛陽偃師二里頭遺址出土。洛陽博物館藏。


Notched zhang, L.49.8cm, W.5.9cm, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins in 1974, A collection of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology.牙璋。長49.8、寬5.9厘米。1974年河南偃師二里頭遺址出。中國科學院考古研究所藏。


Jade Zhang, L.39.2cm, W.10.2cm, Unearthed in Zheng Wangjing House Shangcun Shang Dynasty 1981, A collection og HenanMuseum. 玉璋。長39.2、寬10.2厘米。1981年新鄭市望京樓新村商代遺址出土,夏代遺物。現藏於河南博物院。


Jade Zhang, L.66cm, W.13cm, Unearthed in Henan Zhuang Village in the southern suburbs of Zhengzhou City, 1958. A collection of Henan Museum. 玉璋,長66、寬13厘米。1958年河南鄭州市南郊揚莊村商代遺址出土,現藏於河南博物院。

璋一般由援(鋒刃),欄(作成扉牙狀的繩索系痕部分),內(木柄鑲裝部分)組成。 器物形態當源自、鉞、一類兵器。 璋為中國古代禮器六器之一最早見於夏代二裡頭文化遺址。In addition to 150px-Records_of_the_Grand_Historian330px-Sima_Qian_(painted_portrait)the documents appeared in the Annals of the Xia, Records of the Grand Historians, by Sima Qian, Han Dynasty, Nonameuthese jade zhangs should provide concrete evidences for the Xia Dynasty.


For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.