戰國玉蟬, Warring States Chalcedony Cicada, H.9cm, W.6cm, T.1cm

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6411蟬經常停於樹上高處, 飲露水為生, 其清高的生活習性令人嚮往, 玉蟬的形制, 常見於紅山文化, 良渚文化, 商周各朝, 本器戰國玉蟬, 材質為岫岩玉, 硬度較軟, 受刀. 背面頭部飾鳳鳥淺浮雕, 蟬翼飾螭龍淺浮雕. 此玉蟬反映人性的矛盾, 一來嚮往蟬的清高, 一來又忘不了龍鳳所象徵的富貴, 這就是古玉對我們人生態度的提醒嗎? Carved with chalcedony, the objects are pair of cicadas. Low relief carving with a phoenix on the head and dragons on the wing. The bottom is decorated with a low relief spade shape belly. Additive crystals and calcification are antiquity evidence. (Ancient tool marks appear on the bottom side.) Cicada is popular as a jade form because of the simplicity and purity nature of the cicada attributed. However, the motifs on the cicada are auspices and noble characters which the dragons and phoenix signify, is this a contradiction?

Proverb: Advice should be viewed from behind( Swedish )