清代翠玉墜, Qing Dynasty Jadeite Pendant, H.4cm, W.2cm

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本器為老坑A級翠玉, 形制為翠玉墜. 本器正面為鯉魚及銅錢淺浮雕. 背面為如意淺浮雕. 俗云: 鯉魚跳龍門, 身價百倍.  銅錢的涵意為財源滾滾. 如意表示萬事如意.本器刀工勁拔有力, 紋飾佈置優美.  Carved with jadeite, the object is a pendant with three low relief carving auspicious symbols. On one side, of carp and coin are seen. On the other, ruyi is seen.  The carp has the implication of dragon fish which means once the carp jumps over the dragon gate will enhance the its value. The ruyi is a symbol which has the meaning of make your wish come true. The coin is a symbol of fortune.