清代羊脂白玉臂環, Qing Dynasty Jade Bracelet, D.9.7cm, T. 0.9cm, H.2cm

Webp.net-gifmaker (72)本器羊脂白玉雕琢, 形制為臂環, 全器光滑, 古玉跡象為螞蟻腳及差異風化. (本器經GIA寶石鑑定儀器測得折光率為1.61). 鐲,又稱臂環,中國古代男女通用,早在紅山文化時期, 已出現玉鐲的形制. 唐、宋時成為女性裝飾品,清代戴手鐲成為女性時尚(右下圖為中國故宮博物院藏清代翠玉鐲對)。Carved with mutton white jade, the object is an arm bracelet. Antiquity evidence is ant leg mark and differential weathering. (The bracelet has been tested by GIA Du[lex II QingBraceletRefractometer, the reading is 1.61)Bracelets, also known as armbands, were used by men and women in ancient China as early as Hongshan Culture. They became women’s decorations in Tang and Song Dynasties, and wearing bracelets in the Qing Dynasty became women’s fashion. The jadeite bracelet pair below is a collection of the National Palace Museum, China