從藝術層面評定出皇宮古玉齋前三名古玉. The top three jades of the Palace Chinese Antique Jades Gallery based on the artistic criterion

第一名: The legendary He’s Bi, D.32.8cm, T.0.8cm, 1390grams

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-18T100946.979理由:本器係由優質白玉雙面對稱雕琢, 形制為玉璧, 以繩索紋區分內外兩區, 外區為天界, 內區為地界,   玉璧內區為穀紋, 象徵大地五穀豐收, 繩索紋象徵雲氣. 玉璧外緣雕琢四組神面, 神面係由兩組龍首組成, 龍首係由鳳隻組成., 鳳鳥是楚國尊崇的圖騰 (鳳飛九天), 區隔四組神面的紋飾是象徵通往天界的天門, 四組天門分別為東西南北天門, 就中國玉文化的標準言, 本玉璧圖騰之設計內涵完整且合乎邏輯, 線條宛轉流暢優美, 刀工力道雄渾, 玉質溫潤, 沁色自然, 符合千年國寶應有之本色.


Comment: Carved with top quality white jade, the object is bi with symmetric motifs and carving style on both sides. The plane of the bi is divided into two sections by a rope shape line. The outer section is heaven which is formed by the four gods’ faces. Between the god’s face has an auspicious motif carrying the meaning of a gate to heaven. The god’s face is formed by two sets of dragon which is formed by the phoenix the major motif of His home country Chu State. In terms of jade bi motif design, this is the most perfect jade bi in Chinese jade culture history. ( Not for sale.)

第二名:漢代羊脂白玉白馬玉璧,直径50厘米,厚1.8厘米,重14.3磅, 孔徑 9cms


白馬佔了玉璧四分之一的範圍, 強調此白馬之重要性, 漢明帝永平十二年白馬寺.白馬帶回來的經典是四十二章經, 其中第四章的內容就是的璧背面闡述的業力.玉器圖騰大小佔玉器比例有助於了解主題. 白馬身上飾如意吉祥紋彰顯馱佛經東來的善業功德.白馬為此璧主要圖騰.只有白馬身上有裝飾紋.底子的平坦達到完美無暇的境界.(都雍)始皇(嬴政莊襄王子)[0328b24] 四年西域沙門室利房等十八人。齎佛經來化。帝以其異俗囚之。夜有丈六金神破戶出之。帝驚稽首稱謝。以厚禮遣出境(朱上行經錄)

竹書紀年: 穆王,名滿, 十七年王西征昆崑丘, 見西王母, 其年西王母來朝, 賓于昭宮.

十八可能是一個隊伍的標準成員結構, 東漢明帝派遣十八人去印度求法,(都雍)始皇(嬴政莊襄王子)[0328b24] 四年西域沙門室利房等十八人。齎佛經來化,都是十八人.雕琢呈現手法包括穿雲龍.馬車馳騁的表現有三: 地上塵沙飛揚, 脫殭, 穆王衣裳隨風飄揚.周穆王雙手緊抱, 衣裳飄盪表示馬車飛馳

Carved with white tone Hetian Jade, the object is bi with low relief carvings on both sides. On the front side, the scene of Emperor Moo of the Chou Dynasty’s expedition to the west to meet the Queen mother of the west is decorated. According to “annal of Chou” of “Records of the grand historian” Emperor Moo’s expedition to the West: In the seventeen years of Emperor Moo’s reign, Emperor Moo expedites to the West, for the purpose to meet the Queen Mother of the West. The second expedition will be arranged five years later.

On the top area of the bi, Queen mother of the west is sitting on a dragon bar signifying the palace of heaven, and two goddesses holding vajra and kwei respectively are sitting on the righthand sides to greet the guest from the east.   In the bottom area, Emperor Moo is sitting on a wagon driven by a knight. Around the wagon, a knight holding archery is protecting the wagon. In the rest area, many animal species on the ground and in the sky are shown.

On the backside of the bi, two sections are divided. The outer section is decorated with two dragons on the top, and two dragons on the bottom. Between the two dragons, a triangle shape with an opening at the top is decorated to signify the gate to heaven. The inner section is decorated with many sharp thorns signifying that hardship and bad things prevail on the earth. The only way to avoid that is to go to heaven via the gate to heaven( above image).  The carvings of the bi are of mastery with hole drilling and extra thin line carving.

With antiquity signs of differential weathering, dissolved pits, and calcification, it is a wonderful Han dynasty bi for professional collectors to acquire.


第三名: 漢辟邪獸薄雕,  長25.5cm, 寬20.5cm, 厚0.2cm.



理由:本器以辟邪作為外形, 在辟邪之內, 刻有一神面, 三個仙人, 十八隻辟邪( 其中一隻俱戰國風格) , 辟邪的形像或全身,或半身, 或僅為頭部. 無論是神面, 仙人, 或是辟邪, 無不神態生動, 再次,  東漢形而下的元素是玉雕切割及雕琢技術獲得高度成就, 本器儘管雕刻的難度甚高, 線條仍然婉約流暢. 本器係以和田水料白玉雕成, 在厚僅有0.2公分的玉料上, 以淺浮雕及鏤空的技術, 酷似在玉片上作畫, 誠屬玉雕藝術之瑰寶, 十分珍罕, 最後, 由於是0.2公分的薄雕, 辟邪獸頭部的立體結構巧妙地利用平面方式加以呈現。


Applying the techniques of low relief and openwork, this Han Dynasty artifact presents one god’s face, three divines, and eighteen mythical animals on the jade plaque as thin as 0.2cm to compose a pixie with wings. The appearances of all figures which may be only the head, half, and whole body of the mythical animals have been depicted vividly. This is a scene to carry the soul of human beings to heaven. Despite the difficulty of workmanship, the lines of the objects on the artifact are presented smoothly and elegantly, it is no doubt that this artifact is a masterpiece in the jade carving. (List price: US$ 200,000)