漢代遊龍穀紋玉璧, 尺寸: 直径19.5cm,厚0.5cm

本器和田青玉雕琢, 璧中央飾雲中遊龍, 表示 飛龍在天, 雲行雨施, 外緣表面飾穀紋, 表示在龍的

雲行雨施之後, 大地上的五穀呈現豐收的景象. 本器紋多處呈現以管鑽進行游絲毛雕的痕跡。全器呈現差異風化, 擴散暈沁色, 石灰沁等古玉跡象. 雕工精美, 文化內涵豐厚, 本器誠為漢代鏤空帶龍玉璧的精品.

來源:  家族百年收藏


Carved with green-tone jade, this bi has shown a dragon flying in the sky at the center of the bi to empower rain which is nurturing the crops of the land to feed the people of the land. With mastery of workmanship, the bi has rich cultural and artistic elements. In terms of antiquity evidence, differential weathering,

additive crystal and calcification are obvious. For overall evaluation, this is a valuable Han Dynasty bi worth collecting.