東漢光武中興銘文周穆王西巡見西王母玉璧直径21.95cm, 厚0.95cm

東漢前期在經濟、文化、科學技術等方面都有很高的水平。東漢初, 曾派甘英出使大秦國(羅馬帝國), 因此, 東漢時期玉器紋飾, 除了凸顯中國神仙思想外, 也融合了西方的人物及虛幻神獸造型元素。


周穆王西行見西王母之事詳載於《穆天子傳》一書中.此璧不但美, 圖騰是周穆王西行見西王母的故事, 羅曼帝克, 令人無盡的暇想.文字部分是班固漢書的光武中興, 此璧可謂圖文並茂.

本玉璧和田白玉雕琢, 正面為周穆王西巡崑崙山會西王母的故事, 玉璧上方中央飾西王母坐於龍宮上, 左側有二仙女演奏天籟之音, 四周奇禽異獸圍繞, 下方飾周穆王坐馬車驅車前往昆崑山, 前面有武士拉著弓箭護駕, 所有紋飾以淺浮雕為之, 栩栩如生. 背面為班固漢書光武中興內容, 篆體陽刻”.. 劉秀公元前五年一月十五日公元五十七年三月二十九日…立東漢定都洛陽…陰刻光武中興”. 本器構圖巧妙, 將周穆王西巡見西王母的情景描繪得淋漓盡致. 背面將光武中興的史實呈現於玉璧上, 將歷史文化以實物記載, 誠為一大貢獻. 本器差異風化, 溶蝕孔, 擴散暈沁色等古玉跡象明顯, 是到代的國寶.  (WSM琳晟坊藏品)

Carved with Hetian white jade on both sides, on the front side, it has a low relief carving of the picture of the legendary Emperor Moo of the West Zhou dynasty meeting the Goddes of the West heaven. On the top, it is seen that Goddes sits in the palace of a dragon with two fairies standing on the left playing music of heaven. On the bottom is seen the Emperor sitting in the wagon protected by a warrior carrying a bow and arrow. On the other side, it is carved with scripts of the history of Emperor Guangwu Revitalizes the Han. With mastery carving and historical significance, it is a national treasure level of jade bi of the Eastern Han Dynasty.