6.Han Dynasty Inscribed Jade Bi with Reign Title Houyuan and w/ Extension, H. 36 cms, W. 28.5cms, T. 0.8cms

本器和田黃玉雕琢, 形制為出廓玉璧. 出廓部分, 中央飾象徵天庭的穀紋璧, 左右由雙龍圍繞. 玉璧雙面陰刻篆體銘文, 正反面銘文, 均取材自:《史記孝文帝本紀  孝文帝從代來,即位二十三年,宮室苑囿狗馬服御無所增益,有不便,輒弛以利民。嘗欲作露臺,召匠計之,直百金。上曰:「百金中民十家之產,吾奉先帝宮室,常恐羞之,何以臺為!」上常衣綈衣,所幸慎夫人,令衣不得曳地,幃帳不得文繡,以示敦樸,為天下先。治霸陵皆以瓦器,不得以金銀銅錫為飾,不治墳,欲為省,毋煩民。南越王尉佗自立為武帝,然上召貴尉佗兄弟,以德報之,佗遂去帝稱臣。”本器銘文彰顯孝文帝對內利民不煩民, 對外以德服人讓南越王稱臣之史蹟. 本器雕琢精湛而細膩, 兼具差異風化,  石灰沁等古玉跡象明顯, 是漢代銘文玉璧精品. (來源:  家族百年收藏)

The object is carved with yellow-tone Hetian jade and is in the form of a jade bi with an extension.  The center of the extension is decorated with a crop motif bi that symbolizes heaven, and the left and right sides are bounded by double dragons.  Both sides of the bi are inscribed with incised seal style with text taken from: <The Emperor Xiaowen Annal of The Great Historical Records>. “孝文帝從代來,即位二十三年,宮室苑囿狗馬服御無所增益,有不便,輒弛以利民。嘗欲作露臺,召匠計之,直百金。上曰:「百金中民十家之產,吾奉先帝宮室,常恐羞之,何以臺為!」上常衣綈衣,所幸慎夫人,令衣不得曳地,幃帳不得文繡,以示敦樸,為天下先。治霸陵皆以瓦器,不得以金銀銅錫為飾,不治墳,欲為省,毋煩民。南越王尉佗自立為武帝,然上召貴尉佗兄弟,以德報之,佗遂去帝稱臣。” The main theme of the text emphasizes that Emperor Xiaowen did not bother the people at home and used his virtue to convince the people of Nanyue as his subjects. The hole is decorated with the reign title 后元 (Hou yuan). With delicate and mastery carving and differential weathering, and calcification of ancient jade signs, it is a fine work of open-worked jade bi with extension and scripts in the Han Dynasty.