漢代建元封禪書銘文鏤空出廓玉璧, 长36厘米,宽23.5厘米,厚0.7厘米

本器和田黃玉雕琢, 形制為出廓鏤空玉璧.  形制為出廓玉璧. 出廓部分, 中央飾象徵火珠的圓環, 兩側飾相向龍首鳳身, 寓意為雙龍戲珠的祥瑞之相. . 璧分內外兩層, 外層飾鏤空龍紋, 內層雙面陰刻篆體銘文, 正反面銘文均取材自:《史記封禪書正面銘文為  神,數百歲人也。少君言上曰:「祠灶則致物,致物而丹沙可化為黃金,黃金成以為飲食器則益壽,益壽而海中蓬萊僊者乃可見,見之以封禪則不死,黃帝是也。臣嘗游海上,見安期生,安期生食巨棗,大如瓜。安期生僊者,通蓬萊中,合則見人,不合則隱。」於是天子始親祠灶,遣方士入海求蓬萊安期生之屬,而事化丹沙諸藥齊為黃金矣。居久之,李少君病死。天子以為化去不死,而使黃錘史寬舒受其方。求蓬萊安期生莫能得” 落款”劉徹”. 反面銘文” 常自謂七十,能使物,卻老。其游以方遍諸侯。無妻子。人聞其能使物及不死,更饋遺之,常餘金錢衣食。人皆以為不治生業而饒給,又不知其何所人,愈信,爭事之。少君資好方,善為巧發奇中。嘗從武安侯飲,坐中有九十餘老人,少君乃言與其大父游射處,老人為兒時從其大父,識其處,一坐盡驚。少君見上,上有故銅器,問少君。少君曰:「此器齊桓公十年陳於柏寢。」已而案其刻,果齊桓公器。一宮盡駭,以少君為”. 孔內飾漢武帝劉徹年號篆體建元二字. 本器雕琢精湛而細膩, 兼具差異風化,  石灰沁等古玉跡象明顯, 是漢代銘文出廓玉璧精品. (來源:  家族百年收藏)

The object is carved with yellow-tone Hetian jade in the form of bi with extension. The center of the extension is decorated with a ring symbolizing fire beads, and the two sides are decorated with opposite dragon heads and phoenix bodies, which means the auspicious appearance of double dragons playing with beads. The bi is divided into two sections. The outer section is decorated with open-worked dragons. The inner section is inscribed with text taken from: “Historical Records Fengchan Shu”. Engraving in the hole is the seal script Jianyuan. The object is delicately carved. With antiquity evidence of calcification and dissolved pits and differential weathering, it is a valuable Han bi with scripts.

7.Han Dynasty Inscribed Jade Bi w/ Zhang yi zi sun(长宜子孙) open-worked Extension , H, 36cms, W. 22.7cms, T. 0.9cms。

本器和田黃玉雕琢, 形制為出廓鏤空玉璧. 出廓部分, 本器和田黃玉雕琢, 形制為出廓玉璧. 出廓部分由上而下, 飾篆體長宜子孫四字.兩側則以六龍圍繞, 左右各三龍, 首尾交錯疊起, 第一龍及第三龍尾部棲有一小鳳鳥, 戰國S龍風格濃厚. 玉璧分兩層, 外層飾六龍,.玉璧分兩層, 外層飾鏤空龍紋, 內層雙面陰刻篆體銘文, 正反面銘文, 均取材自:《史記封禪書 正面:” 常自謂七十,能使物,卻老。其游以方遍諸侯。無妻子。人聞其能使物及不死,更饋遺之,常餘金錢衣食。人皆以為不治生業而饒給,又不知其何所人,愈信,爭事之。少君資好方,善為巧發奇中。嘗從武安侯飲,坐中有九十餘老人,少君乃言與其大父游射處,老人為兒時從其大父,識其處,一坐盡驚。少君見上,上有故銅器,問少君。少君曰:「此器齊桓公十年陳於柏寢。」已而案其刻,果齊桓公器。一宮盡駭,以少君為” 反面” 神,數百歲人也。少君言上曰:「祠灶則致物,致物而丹沙可化為黃金,黃金成以為飲食器則益壽,益壽而海中蓬萊僊者乃可見,見之以封禪則不死,黃帝是也。臣嘗游海上,見安期生,安期生食巨棗,大如瓜。安期生僊者,通蓬萊中,合則見人,不合則隱。」於是天子始親祠灶,遣方士入海求蓬萊安期生之屬,而事化丹沙諸藥齊為黃金矣。居久之,李少君病死。天子以為化去不死,而使黃錘史寬舒受其方。求蓬萊安期生莫能得” 落款劉徹.本器造型以長宜子孫為主題, 鑲以優美龍紋, 輔以令人暇想封禪故事實,  加以雕琢精湛而細膩, 兼具差異風化,  石灰沁等古玉跡象明顯, 是漢代鏤空出廓鏤空銘文玉璧精品. (來源:  家族百年收藏)

The object is carved with yellow-tone Hetian jade, in the shape of an open-work jade bi with extension.  The extension is decorated with the four characters “長宜子孫” in seal script. Both sides of the characters are surrounded by six dragons, three dragons on the left and right. The jade bi is divided into two layers, the outer layer is decorated with open-work dragon patterns, the inner layer is double-sided with inscriptions in seal script, and the inscriptions on the front and back are all taken from: “Historical Records Feng Chan Shu”. The shape of this vessel is distinct, the carving is exquisite and delicate.  With delicate and mastery carving and differential weathering, and calcification of ancient jade signs, it is a fine work of open-worked jade bi with extension and scripts in the Han Dynasty.

鑑定人: 陳明杰