Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220AD) Jades

The jade carving technique of the Han dynasty is famous for its sharp, straightforwardness. Carving style of some simple items such as cicada is known as the eight times carving. The main motif for Western Han is the auspicious animal with flying wings. The size of jade artifacts tends to become larger owing to an abundant supply of fine quality Hetian jade when the territory of early Western Han had covered the Hetian area. After Eastern Han, the main
motifs are the four auspicious creatures (dragon, phoenix, tiger, the integrated structure combining snake and turtle), cloud, and eagle. Different from previous periods, Han Dynasty jades have shown modern Chinese
characters reading long happiness, suitable for offspring appeared on many bi-disks jades.  One important fact that should not be neglected is that many exquisite and spectacular royal jades, some with scripts, identifying particular emperors, have only been seen in the private collections.
This confirms the fact that almost all the tombs of Han emperors and royal families have long been excavated unofficially. Those exquisite and spectacular royal jades have long been kept in the hands of private collectors for ge
generations. There is no surprise that they are not displayed in any public museums. Sample jades are as follows:

Han Dynasty Thin Carving Plaque, 0.2cm漢辟邪獸薄雕Western Han Dynasty Jade Ko Halberd Ax 西漢黃玉玉戈

漢代宜子孫虺龍出廓玉璧, H.35.5cm, W.18.7cm, T.0.7cm

宜子孫璧的設計者在紋飾的呈現上進行了花式表演, 除了虺龍的背飾殼紋形成金錢圖像外, 銜接玉璧外緣的龍首, 以側面呈現, 祇雕琢單眼,似乎回眸一笑.




漢代玉翁仲, H.5.3cm, W.1.7cm

漢代古人佩戴玉翁仲的主要目的是用來辟邪。阮翁仲是中國傳說中秦朝的一位巨人。出生在南海郡,身長二丈三尺。 阮翁仲年輕的時候前往秦國,秦始皇見其高大威武,便命令他帶兵鎮守邊關,威震匈奴。翁仲死後,秦始皇為其鑄銅像, 後人便以他的身貌刻成玉器飾物,加以隨身攜帶以作為驅魔辟邪的利器。