唐代胡人搔背圖, Tang Dynasty Statue, H.6cm, W.3.5cm

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-30T100019.306



“胡”是北方民族匈奴人對自己民族的一種稱謂。《漢Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-30T100203.252書·匈奴傳》——單于遣使遺漢書雲:“南有大漢,北有強胡。非漢人的周邊民族通稱,通常是指中國北方以及西方(現今蒙古、黑龍江及新疆等地)的遊牧民族。先秦時期中國將北方遊牧部族稱為北狄,秦漢以後又稱為“胡人”。本器青玉雕琢, 形制為胡人搔背圖, 唐杜甫《阻雨不得Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-30T100356.312歸瀼西甘林》詩:“令兒快搔背,脫我頭上簪。”本器長相有胡人特徵, 鬍鬚濃密, 頭上戴寬鬆帽, 身穿寬鬆長袖衣褲, 右手繞向背部作搔背狀, 右肩與右手間有一小孔, 便於穿線佩帶. 右腳後蹲, 左腳前蹲. 神態憨厚, 怡然自得. 古玉跡象為擴散暈沁色及溶蝕孔. 本器刀法古樸有力具唐代風格。Carved with pale tone jade, the object is a statue of Western territory people since the Han Dynasty. With thick beard, the statue wears a loose hat and wide loose clothes. The right hand is reaching to the back to scratch, the right leg is kneeling back and the left leg is kneeling front. The statue has a relax mood and feel ease. Diffusive marking is the major evidence of antiquity.








唐貔貅, Tang Dynasty Jade Pixie, L.7cm




貔貅又名天祿、辟邪,百解,共四個名字,是古代中國神話傳說中的一種神獸,形狀似獅子。本器青玉雕琢, 頭上有一角, 應該屬於天祿獸, 造型肥胖可愛, 全身以鎏金勾勒方式表現身體部位, 古玉跡象為擴散暈沁色. Pixie is a legendary animal combining the shapes of lion and dragon. Carved with green tone jade with gold lining to express the parts of the chubby body. Antiquity evidence is diffusive marking.

For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.