唐玉羊, Tang Dynasty Jade Sheep, L.8cm, H.5cm


中國的鎏金技術始於戰國 ,在戰國時期古人已掌握了鎏金技術。 從河北滿城中山靖王劉勝墓出U5566P1081DT20130423112116土的“楚大官糟鐘”來看,它的鎏金技術已相當的成熟。 唐代鎏金在各種器物上的應用十分普遍. 本器鎏金玉羊, 羊首向後睨視, 三腳向前, 一腳向後, 姿勢優美, 形態可愛, 本器古玉跡象為擴散暈沁色及差異風化. Carved with pale tone jade, the object is jade sheep lying on the floor with three legs facing forward and one backward. The body is decorated with gold gild lines. Antiquity evidences are diffusive markings and differential weathering.

唐玉貔貅, L.9cm

貔貅有稱辟邪獸, 本器青玉雕琢, 四足趴在地上, 尾巴捲曲, 憨厚可愛, 頭部耳朵及鬃毛以鎏金處理, 本器古玉跡象為擴散暈沁色及差異風化.  Pixie is a legendary auspicious animal. Carved with green tone jade, the object is a pixie with four legs lying on the ground with a  curling tail. The ears , the mane and the back leg are decorated with gold gild lines. This pixie is lovely designed with antiquity evidences of diffusive marking and differential weathering. For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.

Monkey with Peach Implies Long Life and Good Luck唐靈猴獻瑞


Tang Dynasty Monkey holding Peach60156a4fbb97faef73f4d8abe8ebd4fb. 靈猴盤桃座, 或稱靈猴獻瑞. “猴”本來就是“候”也同“侯”,“候”的原義為“伺望,觀察”,是猴性機靈聰明的一種表現。古人說,猴,候也;見人設食伏機,則憑高四望,善於候者也。也就是說,猿猴生性聰明警覺,善於識別獵手的誘餌,發現食物並不輕易去取,觀望探察甚久,感到確實沒有埋伏方才行動。“侯”,是對美猴的稱讚,引申為一種美。《詩經》上有“海直且侯”一句,《韓詩》解釋說:“侯,美也。”轉引為古代貴族爵位的第二等,所謂“公、侯、伯、子、男”中的“侯爵”。又泛指封有爵位的地方君主,如春秋戰國時期的列國諸侯。秦漢時代,封侯拜將。於是封侯使“猴”增添了一種吉祥的象徵意義。