Qijia Culture Jade knife,齊家文化玉刀L. 36cm, W. 9cm T. 0.5cm, 800grams

003-1With the shape of trapezoid, this jade knife is made of semitransparent  jade. It is seen five different size holes with unidirectional drilling on the upper part of the blade. Both sides of the blade have shown convex profile. The color and quality of jade are similar to those of the jade knife of Shanghai Museum collection. Antiquity evidences include cleaving vein, diffusive marking and mica.

齊家文化玉刀, L. 36cm, W. 9cm T. 0.5cm. 本器由半透明青黃玉雕琢而成, 上方有五孔呈單向鑽法, 前方寬闊工整,後方較窄留有殘片. 全器拋光精緻光潔, 冰裂紋及曝露晶片等古玉跡象明顯.


齊家文化五孔白玉玉刀. Qijia Culture Jade Knife, L. 36.5cm, W. 9.5cm T. 0.5cm,809grams

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-19T163056.397

齊家文化五孔白玉玉刀L. 36.5cm, W. 9.5cm T. 0.5cm, 809g。本器白玉雕琢, 呈扁梯形, 刀背較厚, 有大小不一, 排列不整齊, 單向鑽成之五孔, 全器有增生晶體, 冰裂紋, 石灰沁等古玉跡象。


With the shape of a trapezoid, this Qijia Culture jade knife is seen five different size holes with unidirectional drilling on the upper part of the blade. Both sides of the blade have shown a convex profile. Antiquity evidence includes additive crystal, cleaving vein, and differential weathering. In addition, the back end of the knife is seen calcification phenomenon. One of the hypotenuses has several small cracks owing to the effects of ages. (Right image is the location for Reman reading ).Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-19T164050.960



Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-19T165136.832Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 8
  2. rareness: 10
  3. historical and cultural significance: 9
  4. workmanship: 10
  5. size:10
  6. condition: 10