戰國玉瑗, Warring States Jade Dragon Ring, W. 19.3cm, L.32cm

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-08-17T075741.326


戰國玉瑗, W. 19.3cm, L.32cm。本器青黃色和田玉雕琢, 玉龍站立在玉瑗之前, 威風凜凜, 大有王者之風.玉瑗一面為龍鳳紋高浮雕, 一面為勾連雲紋淺浮雕,具戰國紋飾風格. 全器刀工流暢精美, 有增生晶體及鈣化等古玉跡象。Carved with green-yellow tone hetian jade, this object is skillfully designed with a standing dragon coupling a ring of which one side carved with two low relief phoenixes on the front and crop motif on the back. The carving style has the Warring States motif and the connected thin incised lines. Antiquity evidence includes dissolved pits, additive crystal, and calcification.IMG-3038IMG-3039IMG-3040 (1)IMG-3041




619cb93a9d5854dbf198db7ddaef89e2Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 10
  2. rareness: 10
  3. historical and cultural significance: 9
  4. workmanship: 10
  5. size:9
  6. condition: 10
