三星堆文化祭司獻瑞 Sanxingdui Culture Priests, H.45cms, 5000 grams

Webp.net-gifmaker (45)

Jade  Statues Set Webp.net-gifmaker (47)with Priests Holding Bi, Cong, Huang & Kuei, H.45cms, 5000grams each.

This is the set of four pieces. Each one is composed of five separate pieces which are the priest’s body above from the legs, the two legs, the stand with backward angle, the phoenix headstand with four faces, and the openwork base. The exaggerate presentation of protruding eyes of the priest and the phoenix had the stick design to imply the powerful eyesight. The big butterfly wind style ears of the priest may have the implication of powerful hearing. The dress, the carving style of Webp.net-gifmaker (46)thin incised line with cloud motifs, the slant carving of thunder and the openwork with a rope motif all confirm the typical art genre of the Warring States.  Made of white Hetian nephrite with additive crystal, dissolved pits, differential weathering, and diffusive markings, coupled with historical significance, cultural importance, artistic implication and mastery workmanship( please be noted that the multiple contours and the detail of curvature shown in the design of the shoulder have explained the mastery workmanship which modern copy would never know. In addition, the beautiful contour surface of the phoenix on the base also explained it all), this set of jade priests is believed to be the definitive, topknot collection of the Sanxingdui Culture jade artifacts. 本組玉祭司共計四件: 分別為持玉璧祭司, 持玉琮祭司, 持玉圭祭司, 持玉璜祭司. 各件均通高45cm, 係由下列五個部份黏合而成: 祭司腿部以上, 雙腳, 內角方座, 四面鳳首座, 鏤空底座. 各件玉祭司均由和田白玉雕成, 祭司的眼睛及鳳眼神係為圓柱造型, 可能表示千里眼; 祭司的大型蝶式耳朵可能表示順風耳. 祭司的頭冠, 服飾, 游絲勾卷雲紋, 內角方 座的斜刀雷紋, 鏤空底座的绹紋都是典型的戰國紋飾古玉跡像有擴散暈沁色,差異風化,增生晶體,溶蝕孔等古玉現象.  本組玉祭司刀工流暢嚴謹, 玉質精美,實乃三星堆文化玉器中之極品.



Appraisal Indexes:Webp.net-gifmaker (48)

  1. quality of jade: 9
  2. rareness: 10
  3. historical and cultural significance: 10
  4. workmanship: 10
  5. size:10
  6. condition: 9

List Price: USD1,000,000


















三星堆持劍站立姿將軍, Sanxingdui Jade Statue , H. 28cm, 1644.5grams

Webp.net-gifmaker (87)Webp.net-gifmaker (88)Webp.net-gifmaker (89)

Webp.net-gifmaker (90)本器和田白玉雕琢, 形制為持劍立姿將軍, 配帶龍頂面具, 嘴唇圓厚, 簡化之方形下肢, 胸前雙手握住圓椎形劍. 站立之方形座四個角落有象頭鏤雕, 象徵太平有象. 本器有石灰沁, 差異風化,增生晶體, 擴散暈沁色等古玉跡象。The object which has the shape of the military general statue is carved with fine quality Hetian jade with a pale yellow tone.  The helmet with a mask has a motif of a dragon. The ears and the lips are bigger than normal size. Both hands hold an awl shape long sword with a round pommel( lower image is the name of the sword part). The general is standing on a square tube that has four elephant heads on each of the four corners of the square tube. The elephant is a symbol of peace( In Chinese 太平有象, There is a sign of peace). Many areas of the jade are seen as calcification, diffusive markings, and differential weathering.