漢代建元年號輪台詔銘文出廓玉璧, L.35.5cm, D. 21cm, T.0.8cm

本璧黃玉雕琢, 形制為出廓玉璧. 出廓部分中央雕琢意涵破釜沉舟符號, 兩側雕琢鏤空龍鳳紋, 玉璧肉的部分, 分內外兩層, 外層雕琢鏤空龍鳳紋, 內層雙面陰刻輪台詔銘文”军士死略离散,悲痛常在朕心。今请远田轮台,欲起亭隧,是扰劳天下,非所以优民也。今朕不忍闻。大鸿胪等又议,欲募囚徒送匈奴使者,明封侯之赏以报忿,五伯所弗能为也。且匈奴得汉降者,常提掖搜索,问以所闻。今边塞未正,阑出不禁,障候长吏使卒猎兽,以皮肉为利,卒苦而烽火乏,失亦上集不得,后降者来,若捕生口虏,乃知之。当今务,在禁苛暴,止擅赋,力本农,修马复令”.孔的部分飾建元年號的方形體建字.本器不但形制特殊, 構圖嚴謹, 刀工精美, 管鑽及游絲毛雕跡象明顯, 風化網紋是到代有力佐證.

The object has the form bi with extended attachment.  The central carving of the outline part means to break the cauldron sinking boat symbol, the two sides are carved with open work dragon and phoenix patterns, the part of jade bi flesh, divided into two layers inside and outside, the outer layer is carved with open work dragon and phoenix patterns, and the inner layer is double-sided carving with the inscription of the Luntai decree “The sergeant’s death is slightly scattered, and the grief is always in the heart. Now please Toda Luntai, want to raise a pavilion tunnel, is to disturb the world, not so the people also. I can’t bear to hear it. Da Hongxu and others also discussed, wanting to recruit prisoners to send Xiongnu emissaries, and the reward of the Ming Marquis was repaid with anger, and the Five Uncles could do it. And the Xiongnu who have surrendered to the Han Dynasty often search and ask what they have heard. Now the side is not right, the outflow cannot help it, the obstacle waiting for the chief official to make the pawn hunt the beast, with the skin and flesh for the benefit of the flesh, the pawn is bitter and the fire is weak, the loss is not allowed to be collected, and the latter comes, if he catches the mouth, he knows it. Nowadays, in the prohibition of harsh violence, the cessation of unauthorized endowment, the force of Benning, the repair of horses, and the restoration of orders” The part of the hole is decorated with the square character of the Jianyuan era number This bi is not only has a special shape, but rigorous composition, exquisite knife workmanship, tube drill and hairspring wool carving signs are also obvious, antiquity evidence are differential weathering, net pattern calcification is a strong proof of the antiquity.

漢代開國皇帝劉邦之史記高祖本紀銘文玉璧, L. 55.5cm, D. 31.8cm, T. 1.0cm

本片宮廷窖藏漢朝開國皇帝劉邦之史記高祖本記玉璧,其珍貴性可登上為國家國寶;因其上刻划了歷史文化記錄,見證史記登載之實,此一小節文章刻划玉璧之上,詳實簡略述了漢高祖劉邦之天子之命緣由天註定,並相有帝王相,心懷遠大抱負,以秦始皇功績為人生追求目標,實為一片歌功頌德榮耀帝王之宮廷重器;此一玉璧制作採用珍貴宮廷黃玉材料,玉璧体量碩大厚實,僅材料已極為珍貴,又作工為當代最為鬼斧神工登峰造極的『游絲毛雕』技藝施作,才足以留下此一曠世巨作於後世景仰,又此一玉璧極有可能存世僅剩此一片,論及『物以稀為貴』及此一制作工法已失傳,更可謂為不可複制不可再生之品; 任何一條件都足以讓此一玉璧身價不凡;實真可謂之為國之瑰寶,價值連城。(頤和園古文物創始人    羅  撰文     2021年11月23日)

This piece of the court cellars the history of Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, Gao Zu Benji Yubi, whose preciousness can be ascended as a national treasure; Because it is inscribed with historical and cultural records and witnesses the fact that the historical records are published, this subsection of the article is inscribed on the jade bi, detailing and briefly describing the fate of the son of Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, and the fate of the heavenly destiny, and the appearance of the emperor With lofty ambitions, taking the merits of Qin Shi Huang as the goal of pursuing his life, it is actually a court heavy instrument that praises the glory of the emperor; The production of this jade bi uses precious court topaz materials, the jade bi is huge and thick, only the materials have been extremely precious, and the work is the most impressive ‘gossamer wool carving’ technique of contemporary craftsmanship It is enough to leave this masterpiece for future generations to admire, and this jade bi is very likely to survive only this piece, talking about ‘things are rare and precious’ and this production method has been lost, and it can be said that it is not replicable and non-renewable; Any one condition is enough to make this jade bi worth an extraordinary value; It can really be described as a treasure of the country and a priceless price. (Written by LO, HUI-CHUN, founder of the Summer Palace Antiquities, November 23, 2021).