西漢圭琮璧璜, 圓直徑25cm, 長60cm, 厚0.8cm

本器白玉雕琢, 形制為圭琮璧璜. 圭的頂端飾錨形紋, 下方為玉圭, 再下方為緊接玉璧的三節玉琮 左右飾龍鳳紋. 玉璧分三層, 最外層雕琢篆體銘文<月兒切卯未何將從待拾匆, 功焚壯仰怒越冠冕?抬眼路>, 大意是在卯未之月份, 想到匆匆收拾山河, 建功之心急如焚, 仰天怒氣衝出抵頭上的冠冕, 抬望眼, 其路茫茫. 第二層為鏤空龍鳳紋, 最內層為穀紋淺浮雕. 玉璧下沿為雙龍首玉璜, 玉璜上琢篆體”英及子孫初裔”, 英有庇蔭之意, 即庇蔭後代子孫.本器構圖以圭琮璧璜為內涵, 雕工兼採鏤空及淺浮雕, 游絲毛雕明顯, 誠乃宮廷窖藏帝王玉重器. (頤和園古文物珍藏)

The object is carved in white jade, in the shape of a Gui Cong Bi Huang. The top of the Gui is decorated with an anchor-shaped pattern, the lower part is a Jade Gui, and the further lower part is a three-section Jade Cong decorated with dragon and phoenix patterns on the left and right. The jade bi is divided into three layers, and the outermost layer is carved with seal script inscription with the general idea of rushing to clean up the mountains and rivers, the heart of making merit is burning, and the anger rushed out to the head. The second layer is an open-worked dragon and phoenix pattern, and the innermost layer is low relief crop motifs. The bottom edge of the jade bi is double dragon head jade Huang with a seal script meaning of sheltering future generations. It is an important Han dynasty jade in the imperious hoardings. (Peace Garden Museum Collections)