Han Dynasty Jade Seal,漢代[天子信璽]玉印座



091漢代[天子信璽]玉印座,高10公分,寬14公分. 本器白玉雕琢,中央為矩形玉璽,印鈕為拱門圓柱體, 前印文為陽紋天子信璽,兩側 為辟邪鈕,底座一邊為龍紋陽線,一邊為鳳紋陽線。本器雕工精美,形制特別,古玉跡象有差異風化,溶蝕孔,擴散暈沁色及鈣化跡象。

09Han Dynasty Jade Seal, H.10cm, W.14cm. Carved with white jade, the seal is a combination090 of rectangular structure and two square structures. On the base of the rectangular structure,  天子信璽 script with convex line style.The bases of the square structure is carved with low relief dragon motif. Two pixies are sitting on the top of the square structure on each side. The God’s face open works are carved on the wall of the rectangular structure.