Qing Dynasty dual deer scene, H. 19cm, L. 12.3cm, W. 3.8cm

( 郭晓媛) 于前面父子亲情图风格迥异的这个双鹿雕则展现出来一种静态的美。





本器和田羊脂白玉雕琢 , 形制為母子鹿座. 本器以母子梅花鹿為體裁, 除了彰顯母愛外, 更利用鹿與祿同音, 以突顯本器之尊貴。就外形看, 本器小鹿前腿高抬,後蹄翻翹,坐在母鹿臀上, 活潑可愛;母鹿曲身回首,凝視小鹿, 呈現濃濃母愛. 就設計的角度言, 本器不只有大小雙鹿不同身姿的形態美,更突顯了雙鹿鈴角的多層次對稱美. 本器刀工精美, 勁道婉約兼顧. 就古玉跡象言, 除了差異風化外, 多處有鈣化跡象, 本器誠然為清代玉器上乘精品. (來源:  家族百年收藏)

The object is carved with mutton fat white jade and has the shape of a mother and child deer.   The object uses the mother and son sika deer to highlight maternal love, it also uses the same sound of deer and lu (good fortune). In terms of appearance, the child deer has its front legs raised and its hind hooves upturned, lively and cute; From the perspective of design, this instrument not only presents the morphological beauty of different postures of large and small deer but also highlights the multi-layered symmetrical beauty of the double deer bell horns.  The object is exquisitely crafted.  As far as the signs of ancient jade are concerned, in addition to the differential weathering, there are many signs of calcification. The object is indeed one of the best of Qing Dynasty jade.  (Source: Woo’s Family Centennial Collection).