商代玉璧, Shang Dynasty Jade Bi, D. 13.5cms, T.1cm, 453grams


商代玉璧D. 13.5cms, T.1cm, 453grams。《爾雅•釋器》:“肉倍好謂之璧。”邢疏:“肉,邊也。好,孔也。邊大於孔者名璧。 “肉”是指璧中孔以外的邊;“好”是璧的中間的圓形孔。璧的“肉”、“好”,在古代有明確的規定,即“肉倍好”。所謂“肉倍好”,就是璧的外邊的寬度是中孔直徑的兩倍,符合這個標準的或接近這個標準的玉器才叫璧, 本器黃玉雕琢,紋飾雙面對稱, 孔的尺寸為2.8cm, 肉的尺寸為5.6cm, 符合所謂“肉倍好”,就是璧的外邊的寬度是中孔直徑的兩倍的標準。正反面各有兩個排列相反的方向的龍形抽象設計。雕刻風格是商代典型兩條切割線形成的凸線。在璧的外圈上有一個三星堆 文化青銅眼相似的眼睛圖案,彷彿天外的神明在凝視著我們,古Webp.net-gifmaker (58)玉跡象包括增生晶體,擴散暈沁色和差異風化。Carved with yellow tone jade, the object is a typical bi with symmetric motif on both sides. On each side, there is two abstract design of 55db3c51t537c67994cfetigers arranging in the opposite direction. The carving style is the typical convex line forming from two incised still_2017-03-22_082453_60x_n04791lines of the Shang Dynasty. Antiquity evidence includes additive crystals, diffusive marking, and differential weathering. There is an eye motif on the outer ring of the bi, compares to the Sanxindui Culture bronze eye object, may carry the meaning that the deity in the heaven is watching us. In addition, there is a mark of cutting at the edge of the bi, according to the undocumented source, this kind of mark keeps the record that the bi has been used for worship already. A new bi should be used for the next worship.

Appraisal Indexes:

  1. quality of jade: 10
  2. rareness: 9
  3. historical and cultural significance: 7
  4. workmanship: 10
  5. size: 6
  6. condition: 10