Qing Dynasty Jade Container 清康熙年製白玉瓶, H.27cm


Qing Dynasty Jade Container, H.27cm

dsc00157-%e8%a4%87%e8%a3%bd清康熙年製白玉瓶, 高27公分

飛龍在天(乾卦九五)《彖》曰:“‘飛龍在天’,大人造也。” 本器白玉雕琢,蓋上端有一扁圓形蓋鈕, 飾祥雲淺浮雕, 壼頸中央有減地陽線康熙年製落款, 壼腹略呈修長, 飾祥龍戲珠, 飛龍在天淺浮雕, 本器玉質係羊脂白玉細膩晶瑩溫潤, 刀工古樸有力, 實為不可多得之清代早期精品。Carved with mutton white jade, the container is decorated with low-relief dual dragons playing pearl. The scripts of “康熙年製”(Made in the reign of Emperor Kanxi). This is a masterpiece of a Qing Dynasty jade container.0 (1)