38. Han Dynasty Inscribed Open-worked Jade Bi w/ reign Title Jianyuan , H. 28.27 cms, W.35.89, T. 1.25cm

本器和田黃玉雕琢, 整體結構分玉璧及出廓兩部分. 玉璧孔的部分鏤刻篆體建元年號. 玉璧肉的部分, 內外兩層, 內層雙面對稱雕琢部分”封禪書”篆體銘文”祠灶則致物,致物而丹沙可化為黃金,黃金成以為飲食器則益壽,益壽而海中蓬萊仙者乃可見,見之以封禪則不死,黃帝是也。…合則見人,不合則隱。…落款劉徹”(取材自史記封禪書). 外層飾鏤空龍鳳紋.  出廓部分左右各飾一鳳. 此璧多處以管鑽進行游絲毛雕, 展現玉璧獨特的雕琢工藝。此外, 本器差異風化, 擴散暈沁色, 石灰沁等古玉跡象明顯, 證明玉器到代, 綜合而言, 本器歷史文化及藝術價值含金量高, 值得業業收藏家典藏. (器物來源:  WSM琳晟坊收藏)

Carved with yellow-tone Hetian jade, the object is an openwork carving jade bi with an extension attachment. The center of the bi is openwork script style Chien Yuen era of the Han Dynasty. The inner section has seal-style scripts from offering sacrifices to Heaven, Historical recordsand the outer section is openwork dragon and phoenix. The antiquity evidence of differential weathering, dissolved pits, and calcification are obvious to tell the age.