新朝八角銘文白玉壼, Shin Dynasty (AD8-25) Octagon-shape Jade Container, H.21cm, 993 grams

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新朝(A.D. 8-23)龍鳳紋八角白玉壺,H.21cm。本器為矩形的八角形玉壺,有黃帝初祖長壽龍集己巳傳傳初班天下子孫萬國永遵億年印刻銘文上寬下窄。壺蓋頂端有一開口的八角形槽,亦呈上寬下窄。壺蓋下緣兩陰線中間,有陰線雷紋。壺身上端則在兩繩紋中間,有陰線雷紋。壺身較寬的兩面以淺浮雕方式刻有穿雲龍,龍的造型已具神仙傳說海龍Webp.net-gifmaker (35)王的紋飾,頭上有雙角,翅膀羽毛上,shin1有海馬狀紋飾,雲的造型則為雲氣式的如意祥雲。壺身較窄的兩面以淺浮雕方式刻有鳳凰。(一般來說,中國鳳凰的原形有很多種說法:錦雞、孔雀、鷹鷲、鵠、玄鳥等。後來傳到道教, 鳳凰的形象轉變為雀鳥、孔雀,或山雞,而中國文獻中記載,鳳凰是指一種叫做鵬鳥或大鵬鳥的鳥類。因此現代學者們推測,古人所指的鳳凰,可能是把雉雞美化和神話後的產物。)本器系宮廷用品,掏膛滿工,構圖華麗,線條流暢,刀工極致精美。本器之玉質為冰種和田白玉,溶蝕孔,擴散暈沁色,增生晶體,古玉跡像明顯。新朝祇歷經15年,新朝文物極為稀少,本器兼具藝術及歷史價值,是難得的珍品(銅嘉量銘文全文:黃帝初祖,德及於虞,虞帝始祖,德

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-14T192941.055及予新,歲在大樑,龍集戊辰,戊辰直定,天命有民,據土德受,正號即真,改正建醜,長壽隆崇,同律度量衡,稽當前人,龍集己巳,歲次實沉,初班天下

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,萬國永遵,子子孫孫,享傳億年。)Shin Dynasty (AD8-25) Octagon-shape Jade Container with Dragon and Phoenix Motif and Inscriptions, H.21cm


The inscriptions of the four corners are translated as follows: The virtues of the original ancestor Emperor Huang has handed down to my nation. In the year of A.D. 9, the new system of measurement is announced for the first time, for all generations to follow forever. The twenty-four Chinese characters: 黃帝初祖長壽, 龍集己巳享傳, 初班天下子孫, 萬國永遵億年
appeared on the surfaces of the four corners of the container are digested from the eighty-one Chinese characters ( 黃帝初祖,德及于虞,虞帝始祖,德及予新,歲在大樑 ,龍集戊辰,戊辰直定,天命有民,據土德受 ,正號即真 ,改正建醜,長壽隆崇,同律度量衡,稽當前人,龍集己巳 ,歲次實沈,初班天下,萬國永遵,子子孫孫,享傳億年 。)
inscribed on the outside wall the bronze container from Shin dynasty (A.D. 8-23) in the National Palace Museum collections. This octagon-shape container is broader on the upper part and narrower on the lower Webp.net-gifmaker (33)part. The lid of the vase has an open octagon-shaped tub. It is broader on the upper part and narrower on the lower part of the tub. There is a negative thunder motif between two thicker negative lines on the lower part of the lid. The same design also appears on the upper and lower parts of the main container. The four Webp.net-gifmaker (34)narrowest surfaces have inscriptions with negative lines. The two narrow surfaces have low relief phoenix motif. The two broader surfaces have low relief dragon motif. The design of the dragon has featured the fairy tale of King of the sea dragon with the motif of seahorse appears on the wings. The motifs of this container are picturesque with elegant lines and a dexterous carving technique. It is reasonable to believe that this container is from the imperial palace of the Shin dynasty. The item is made of high-quality white jade with evidence of diffusive markings, additive crystal, and dissolved pits. The Shin dynasty is lasts only for a short period of fifteen years (from A.D. 8 to A.D.23), the artifact from its imperial palace is extremely rare. In addition, the inscriptions on it have recorded the history of the ancient Chinese measurement system. It is no doubt that this container is important for its artistic value and historic value.

Appraisal Indexes:
1. quality of jade: 10
2. rareness: 10
3. historical and cultural significance: 10
4. workmanship: 10
5. size:8
6. condition: 10

王莽改制是王莽為緩和西漢末年日益加劇的社會矛盾而採取的一系列新措施的“托古改制”。初始元年王莽接受孺子嬰(劉嬰)的禪讓後稱帝,改國號為“新”,改長安為常安為新朝都城,王莽開中國歷史上通過符命禪讓作皇帝的先河。王莽開始進行全面社會改革。王莽仿照《周禮》制度推行新政,屢次改變幣制、更改官制與官名、以王田制為名恢復“井田制”,把鹽、鐵、酒、幣制、山林川澤收歸國有、耕地重新分配,又廢止奴隸制度,建立五均賒貸(貸款制度)、六筦政策,以公權力平衡物價,防止商人剝削,增加國庫收入。刑罰、禮儀、田宅車服等儀式,不停回復到西周時代的周禮模式。但王莽改制不僅未能挽救西漢末年的社會危機,反而使各種矛盾進一步激化,百姓官吏不知所從,不斷引起天下各貴族和平民的不滿。王莽改制, 史家對其褒貶不一. 有史家认为,王莽是中国历史上第一个富有远见卓识的社会改革家。胡适认为他是1900年前的社会主义皇帝翦伯赞认为“王莽不失为中国史上最有胆识的最聪明的一位政治家。”王莽改制“要将当时矛盾百出的社会经济制度加以改良”。(《中国史纲》)傅乐成在其著作中国通史中则评论他说,王莽具有超人的智力、辩才和威严,但也有重大的缺点,诸如过度的自信,一味的复古以及猜疑部下等。王莽的行为看来有些伪,也有些愚. 中国传统历史学强调忠君、家天下等理念,对王莽的评价普遍不高,一般都认为他只是一位“伪君子”,众口一辞的千古罪人。东汉朝修订的《汉书》就把王莽列作“逆臣”一类,可见一斑。郭沫若《中国史稿》称王莽改制为“一系列倒行逆施的政策和措施.