戰國玉璧, Warring States Jade Bi, W.10cm


玉璧是祭天的禮器, 玉璧的形制自紅山文化良渚文化以來即以確定, 那就是圓而扁平而中間有個洞的玉器, 至於洞的大小比例不同, 而區分為, 環及瑗. 《爾雅·釋器》寫道:“肉倍好,謂之璧”(肉即邊,好即孔;肉倍好:邊為孔徑的兩倍)。當肉的寬度正好達到好的兩倍的時候(肉倍好,肉:好=2:1),稱為璧;當肉的寬度正好等同於好的時候(肉好若一,肉:好=1:1),稱為瑗;當好的寬度正好達到肉的兩倍的時候(好倍肉,肉:好=1:2),稱為環。如果孔的直徑小於相鄰外緣的寬度, 稱為璧, 等於外緣的寬度, 稱為環, 大於相鄰外緣的寬度稱為瑗. 本器由兩個玉瑗組成, 外層玉瑗外緣有四隻玉龍攀附其上, 全器飾如意雲紋淺浮雕, 雙面對稱. 鈣化古玉跡象明顯. Carved with pale tone jade, the object is a bi consists of two layers of jade rings. Four dragons are lying on the outer edge of the outer ring. Auspicious cloud motifs are decorated on both sides of the bi. Calcification is the main antiquity evidence.

For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.