古玉鑑價, Jade Appraisal

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1.玉質:是否為和闐玉, 和闐玉中的水料, 尤其是羊脂白玉, 最為珍貴.
2.器物的大小與完整性: 一般而言, 完美無缺的玉器較值錢.
3.刻工的精緻:刻工越精緻,越難得也 越討人喜歡, 當然越值錢.
4.市場的偏好: 華人場大多偏愛佛教文物及吉祥物.
5. 唯一性或稀少性: 歷史上唯一的一件, 如和氏璧, 因為祇有一件, 當然值錢.

Webp.net-gifmaker - 2020-07-15T082414.302Applying partly Dr. Daphne Lange Rosenzweig’s appraisal factors, I have established scales for each factor, including rareness, historical and cultural significance, quality of jade, workmanship, size in the range index of 1 to 10 to reach weighted average (It should be noted that the indexes of historical and cultural significance and rareness should overwrite the other indexes). To assign each index a monetary value, we may reach an appraisal value (in addition to the market approach). From the beginning, the index only assigned by myself. In the future, I will try to contact outside experts to have their opinions to practice a Delphi Method approach for the Chinese antique jades appraisal.Webp.net-gifmaker (37)



For example, the appraisal index for the 紅山文化玉鷹, Hongshan Culture Jade Eagle H. 25cm, W. 22cm, 3500grams is as follows:

1. quality of jade: 10
2. rareness: 10
3. historical and cultural significance: 9
4. workmanship: 9
5. size:10
6. condition: 10


In order to get a market price, we may take similar items sold in the last three years to assign the appraisal index for them, and then take the weighted average number to get an estimated price.download




<易經>是故形而上者謂之道, 形而下者謂之器, 化而裁之謂之變, 推而行之謂之通, 舉而措之天下之民, 謂之事業. <The Text of Yi King>Hence that which is antecedent to the material form exists, as an ideal method, and that which is subsequent to the material form exists, as a definite thing.