Argricultural Civilization of Xia Dynasty


15861275644249321Archaeological discoveries in the Xia Dynasty have found rice, wheat, beans, melons, and other agricultural products. These jade ax( d.24cm & d.18cm) is carved notches on both sides, three notches are tilting backward slightly, while the other three are tilting forwards. these notches symbolize the ears of rice or wheat. This may be evidence of the Xia Dynasty agricultural development. In addition, the motifs of Xia Dynasty jades may serve more evidence that Xia Dynasty’s agricultural civilization. Continue reading

夏代玉璋, Xia Dynasty Zhang, L.36cm, W.12cm

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夏代牙璋, L36cm,W.12cm。璋一般由援(鋒刃),欄(作成扉牙狀的繩索系痕部分),內(木柄鑲裝部分)組成。 器物形態當源自、鉞、一類兵器。 璋為中國古代禮器六器之一最早見於夏代二裡頭文化遺址。本玉璋上端为二个尖峰,中下方两边各有三组锯齿,两面各有两行浅浮雕回纹, 全器底子極端平整, 拋光尤為細膩, 全器有幾條形態自然而明显平行土沁紋及多處出現的溶蚀孔。Carved with green tone jade, the object is a zhang with two shape points at the end, at the lower part of the blade, two low relief carving of square circling cloud motif which is still popular the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties. With mastery workmanship, this zhang is extra well polished. Antiquity evidences are several natural parallel lines of dissolved pits.
