夏代玉戚, Xia Dynasty Jade Ax, D.24cm, 766grams

005brpupgy6ok213maw1e夏代玉戚制作工艺精美, 玉戚从刀柄到刀刃而言,上端窄而厚,下端宽而薄表面呈平稳下降。 中间两端各有六个齿牙,三个向上三个向下象征着稻穗或麦穗, 可能是作为宗教祭祀仪式使用的礼器, 祈求五谷丰收,  本玉戚有明显溶蚀孔古玉迹象。crop

Archaeological discoveries in the Xia Dynasty have found rice, wheat, beans, melons, and other agricultural products. This jade ax( d.24cm, 766 grams) is IMG-3359carved notches on both sides, three notches are tilting backward slightly, while the other three are tilting forwards. these notches symbolize the ears of rice or wheat. This may be evidence of the Xia Dynasty’s agricultural development. In addition, the motifs of the Xia Dynasty jades may serve as more evidence of the Xia Dynasty’s agricultural civilization.


For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.




夏代玉璋彙集, A Collection of Xia Dynasty Jade Zhangs


Notched zhang, L.54cm, W.14.4cm, T.0.8cm, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins , A collection of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology.牙璋。長54、最寬14.4、厚0.8厘米。河南省偃師市二里頭遺址五區3號墓出土,現藏於中國社會科學院考古研究所。


Notched zhang, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins , A collection of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology.塗朱玉璋。河南省偃師二里頭遺址出土。中國社會科學院考古研究所藏。


Notched zhang, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins ,A collection of Louyan Museum. 玉璋。長48.5、寬8厘米。1975年洛陽偃師二里頭遺址出土。洛陽博物館藏。


Notched zhang, L.49.8cm, W.5.9cm, Unearthed from Yanshi City, Henan Province Erlitou ruins in 1974, A collection of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology.牙璋。長49.8、寬5.9厘米。1974年河南偃師二里頭遺址出。中國科學院考古研究所藏。


Jade Zhang, L.39.2cm, W.10.2cm, Unearthed in Zheng Wangjing House Shangcun Shang Dynasty 1981, A collection og HenanMuseum. 玉璋。長39.2、寬10.2厘米。1981年新鄭市望京樓新村商代遺址出土,夏代遺物。現藏於河南博物院。


Jade Zhang, L.66cm, W.13cm, Unearthed in Henan Zhuang Village in the southern suburbs of Zhengzhou City, 1958. A collection of Henan Museum. 玉璋,長66、寬13厘米。1958年河南鄭州市南郊揚莊村商代遺址出土,現藏於河南博物院。

璋一般由援(鋒刃),欄(作成扉牙狀的繩索系痕部分),內(木柄鑲裝部分)組成。 器物形態當源自、鉞、一類兵器。 璋為中國古代禮器六器之一最早見於夏代二裡頭文化遺址。In addition to 150px-Records_of_the_Grand_Historian330px-Sima_Qian_(painted_portrait)the documents appeared in the Annals of the Xia, Records of the Grand Historians, by Sima Qian, Han Dynasty, Nonameuthese jade zhangs should provide concrete evidences for the Xia Dynasty.


For any questions, please write to Prof. Chen.



夏代玉璋勾撤法工藝, Xia Dynasty Jade Zhang, L36cm, W.12cm


S__3522566.jpg夏代玉璋, L36cm, W.12cm。玉璋, 又稱牙璋, 一般由援(鋒刃),欄(作成扉牙狀的繩索系痕部分),內(木柄鑲裝部分)組成。 器物形態當源自、鉞、一類兵器。 璋為中國古代禮器六器之一最早見於夏代二裡頭文化遺址。玉璋的形状,东汉许慎在《说文解字》中说:“半圭为璋。”也就是说,玉璋是玉圭从上端尖锋处垂直切下之一半者物,这种形式与出土遗物及古籍和古碑刻纹图中所称为“璋”者也是符合的。值得注意的是玉璋出土的地域范围在各种礼制性玉器中是最广泛的,以中原地区为中心,东起山东,北至陕北,西南达四川,南及香港、越南等地.璋的种类据《周礼》中记载有:赤璋、大璋中璋,边璋、牙璋5种。我们可以把它们归纳为三类:第一类“赤璋”是礼南方之神的;第二类“大璋、中璋、边璋”是天子巡守用的;第三类“中璋、牙璋”是作符节器用的。“赤璋”是用赤玉(玛瑙)做的璋,是祭南方之神朱雀的礼器。玉璋除用作六器之一外,《周礼,考工记》中还有“大璋亦如之,诸侯以聘女”的记载。《周礼·考工记》又载:“大璋,中璋九寸,边璋七寸,射四寸,天子以巡守。”说明玉璋还是天子巡狩的时候祭祀山川的器物。大山川用大璋,中山川用中璋,小山川用边璋。所祭的如果是山,礼毕就将玉璋埋在地下,如果是川,礼毕就将璋投到河里。《周礼·典端》载:“牙璋以起军旅,以治兵守。 本玉璋上端为二个尖峰,中下方两边各有三组锯齿,两面各有两行浅浮雕回纹, 全器底子極端平整, 拋光尤為細膩, 全器有幾條形態自然而明显平行土沁紋及多處出現的溶蚀孔。夏代玉器工艺一般较规整,表面光滑。史前玉器中最为常见的阴刻技术更为成熟,已经使用砣轮式工具。根据线纹形式的不同需要,用砣轮(后世称为“勾砣”)在玉器表面刻划出条条细Still_2017-11-16_104545_60X_N0058阴线,此法通称为“勾”法。如在阴线沟槽的一个立面,再用砣轮将它向外稍加拓展,形成较宽的斜坡面,叫做“撤法”。二者合之即“勾撤法”。勾撤法工艺的实施,使两条平行阴线线形产生了差异,而具有层次感与活跃感。它较之新石器时代玉器的阴线纹,在形式上有了很大的进步,并为后世数千年玉器阴线纹的工艺技法奠定了基础。Carved with green tone jade, the object is a zhang with two shape points at the end, at the lower part of the blade, two low relief carving of square circling cloud motif which is still popular the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties. With mastery workmanship, this zhang is extra well polished. Antiquity evidence is several natural parallel lines of dissolved pits.