從歷史文化層面評定出皇宮古玉齋前三名古玉.The top three jades of the Palace Chinese Antique Jades Gallery based on the historic and cultural criteria

第一名: 三星堆文化祭司獻瑞 Sanxingdui Culture Priests, H.45cms, 5000 grams158492157480986597 (2)

理由:本組玉祭司共計四件: 分別為持玉璧祭司, 持玉琮祭司, 持玉圭祭司, 持玉璜祭司. 各件均通高45cm, 係由下列五個部份黏合而成: 祭司腿部以上, 雙腳, 內角方座, 四面鳳首座, 鏤空底座. 各件玉祭司均由和田白玉雕成, 祭司的眼睛及鳳眼神係為圓柱造型, 可能表示千里眼; 祭司的大型蝶式耳朵可能表示順風耳. 祭司的頭冠, 服飾, 游絲勾卷雲紋, 內角方座的斜刀雷紋, 鏤空底座的绹紋都是典型的戰國紋飾. 本器係佐證三星堆文化與中原禮器文化融合事實之重要實物.

Comment: This is the set of four pieces. Each one is composed of five separate pieces which are the priest’s body above from the legs, the two legs, the stand with backward angle, the phoenix headstand with four faces, and the openwork base. The exaggerated presentation of protruding eyes of the priest and the phoenix had the stick design to imply the powerful eyesight. The big butterfly wind style ears of the priest may have the implication of powerful hearing. The dress, the carving style of thin incised line with cloud motifs, the slant carving of thunder and the openwork with a rope motif all confirm the typical art genre of the Warring States. These are the physical evidence to confirm that Sanxingdui culture has interaction with the central Chinese ritual jade culture.( list price: US$1,000,000)

第二名: 秦辟邪玉跪人紋橢圓座陽刻篆文皇后之印The First Seal of Empress in Chinese History




理由:本器青白玉(經折光儀測定折光率1.61證明材質為天然軟玉)雕琢, 印鈕為辟邪獸, 體形雄偉, 象徵皇帝至尊, 背上跪伏者嬌小之象徵皇后之玉女, 楚楚憐人。印座呈橢圓形, 印文為陽刻秦代小篆.本器經折光儀測定折光率1.61證明材質為天然軟玉。 古玉之跡象如石灰沁, 冰裂紋,擴散暈沁色一一具備。本器之印文完全符合秦朝(公元前221年—公元前207年)特色。刀工細膩工整, 線條流暢, 此皇后之印是中國歷史上第一個皇后之印, 堪稱國寶中的國寶。

Comment: The seal is composed of three parts: The imposing pixie symbolizing the emperor, the lady kneeling on the back of the pixie, symbolizing the empress, the oval stand for the scripts of the seal. The style of the scripts on this seal conforms to those of the Chin dynasty. Bronze seals ( around 2.2cm x 2.2cm) of the Palace Museum of Beijing ‘s collection. Especially the last stroke of the seal character of this seal confirms the typical lining of the Chin calligraphy( petite sigillaire 小篆 ) style, in particular, the character of 皇, conforms those found unearthed artifacts. Based on the carving and characters’  styles of the jade seal and its antiquity of evidence, this jade seal is authenticated as a genuine Seal of the Express from the Chin Dynasty. (List price US$ 500,000)

第三名:夏后氏之璜-有共工圖騰的良渚文化雙璜玉璧, Liangzhu Culture Jade Bi, 直徑14.3cm, 226grams.


理由:本器玉璧區分為兩個玉璜, 正面有中央飾神面淺浮雕, 兩側飾鳳鳥淺浮雕, 神面附近共工二字之淺浮雕, 足以證明共工與良渚文化之深遠關係。本器古玉跡象為擴散暈沁色及增生晶體。本黃玉玉璜, 紋飾中似有共工二字.是否就是夏后氏之璜呢?夏后氏之璜,是一种夏后氏的宝玉,与和氏璧齐名.

Comment: This jade is divided into two jade huan. The front is decorated with a bas-relief of a god face on the front, and a low-relief of phoenix  on both sides.  In this huan, there seems to be the word Gonggong of Xiahou clan, and has the same fame as He’s Bi. (List price: US$400,000)158725829631081253